PFC 2000RC • 5403521-REV N• 3/03
A decrease of current to approximately 1.5mA in the abort circuit will result in the following:
1) The words “ABORT” and “TROUBLE” will be displayed on the alpha-numeric display. If more than one trouble condi-
tion exists, the conditions will be alternately scrolled every 2 seconds.
2) Operation of all of the common trouble outputs (see “Common Trouble Outputs”).
An increase of current to approximately 8 mA or a decrease of the current to approximately 1.5 mA in either the indicating
appliance circuit or the releasing circuit, or connecting an indicating appliance backward will result in the following:
1) The zone or zones that are affected will be displayed along with the word “TROUBLE” on the alpha-numeric display. If
more than one trouble condition exists the conditions will be alternately scrolled every 2 seconds.
2) Operation of all of the common trouble outputs (see “Common Trouble Outputs”).
NOTE: A current in excess of 1.5 Amps on a indicating appliance circuit when the panel is in the alarm condition will result in
an indicating appliance circuit trouble as described above. Manual operation of the reset switch is required to correct the
trouble condition.
A problem in a device that is connected into the indicating appliance circuit may not be apparent when the panel is
in the normal condition. If the indicating appliance circuit indicates a trouble condition when the panel is in an alarm condition
the problem must be located and corrected.
An increase in current to approximately 4.5 mA or greater in the supervisory circuit will result in the following:
1) The words “SUPV” and “SUPERVISORY” will be displayed on the alpha-numeric display. If more than one trouble
condition exists, the conditions will be alternately scrolled every 2 seconds.
2) Operation of all of the common trouble outputs (see “Common Trouble Outputs”).
3) The yellow supervisory LED will be lit.
4) Positive 24 Volts DC will appear on the associated electronic output terminal.
An increase in current to approximately 4.5mA or greater in the abort circuit will result in the following:
1) The words “ABORT” and “ABORTED” will be displayed on the alpha-numeric display. If more than one trouble condi-
tion exists, the conditions will be alternately scrolled every 2 seconds.
2) Operation of all of the common trouble outputs (see “Common Trouble Outputs”).
3) If the abort circuit is in “Mode 1” the release of the extinguishing agent will be delayed as long as this circuit is activated.
4) If the abort circuit is in “Mode 2” (IRI mode) and this circuit is activated before a second alarm occurs the pre-discharge
timer will not start. If this circuit is activated after a second alarm has occurred, it will not interrupt operation of the pre-
discharge timer.
A Ground Fault on any circuit that is powered by the control panel will result in the following:
1) The words “TROUBLE” and “GROUND” will be displayed on the alpha-numeric display. If more than one trouble
condition exists, the conditions will be alternately scrolled every 2 seconds.
2) Operation of all of the common trouble outputs (see “Common Trouble Outputs”).