9925723 R01 - 2015
900 Service Manual
© Copyright 2014 Polaris Industries Inc.
Drive Clutch / Driven Clutch / Belt Service
Refer to Chapter 5 – PVT System for servicing the belt
and drive/driven clutches.
PVT Duct Cleaning
It is recommended that the PVT intake be inspected
occasionally. The PVT ducts should be inspected using
the following procedure:
1. The PVT intake screen
is located just above the left
rear wheel fender.
2. Remove the two screws retaining the screen and
inspect inside for signs of debris.
3. Inspect the PVT exhaust duct and grate
, found
near the exhaust head pipe. Clean the grate so air
can flow through unrestricted.
IMPORTANT: The PVT intake and exhaust ducts
MUST be checked for debris in the event of a belt
PVT Drying
NOTE: After operating in water, the vehicle’s PVT
system should be checked immediately. Use the
following instructions to dry it out before operating.
The PVT drain plug is located at the bottom of the outer
clutch cover. Access the drain plug through the left rear
wheel well.
1. Using a flat blade screwdriver, remove the PVT drain
and O-ring from the outer clutch cover.
2. Allow the water to drain out completely.
3. Reinstall the drain plug and O-ring.
4. Place the transmission in PARK, apply the brake and
start the engine.
5. Apply varying throttle for 10-15 seconds to expel the
moisture and air-dry the belt and clutches.
NOTE: Do not hold the throttle pedal wide open
for more than 5 seconds.
6. Allow the engine RPM to return to idle, then shift the
transmission into low gear.
7. Test the PVT system for belt slippage. If the belt slips,
repeat the process or remove the outer clutch cover
to inspect the PVT system.
NOTE: If the vehicle has ingested a large amount
of water into the PVT system and has not been
operated for a period of time, be sure to check the
PVT system components for water damage.