License Agreement
By using this software you accept the following terms of this License
Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms, you should not use the
software and promptly return it for a refund.
Polar/HealthFirst Corporation retains the ownership of this copy of the enclosed
software package. It is licensed to you for use under the following conditions.
Grant of License
You may only concurrently use the enclosed software on the number of
computers for which this license grants (for example, single-user version licenses
one concurrent usage; five- user network version licenses five concurrent usages).
If the number of users of the software exceeds the licenses, you must have a
reasonable process in place to assure that the number of persons concurrently
using the software does not exceed the number of licenses.
Network versions of the software may be combined to build larger networks (for
example, two five-user versions may be combined to form a ten-user network).
You may add a single-user version to an existing network configuration to
increase the number of network licenses (for example, you may add a single-user
version to a five-user network version to build a six- user network).
You may not copy the documentation or software except as described in the
installation section of this manual. You may not distribute, rent, sub- license or
lease the software or documentation, including translating, decompiling,
disassembling, or creating derivative works. You may not reverse-engineer any
part of this software, or produce any derivative work. You may not make
telecommunication transmittal of this software.
This license and your right to use this software automatically terminates if you
fail to comply with any provision of this license agreement.
Polar/HealthFirst Corporation retains all rights not expressly granted. Nothing in
this license agreement constitutes a waiver of Polar/HealthFirst Corporation’s
rights under the U.S. copyright laws or any other Federal or State law.
Limited Warranty
If you discover physical defects in the media, Polar/HealthFirst Corporation will
replace the media or documentation at no charge to you, provided you return the