Step 3
You will be given an entry
password. Type this in making
sure to use the correct case. The
Polar/HealthFirst technician will
walk you through the rest of the
licensing. Once the licensing is
complete, proceed to Setup
Networking the TriFIT 620
To network your TriFIT 620 to other computers, whether they are another TriFIT
620, just TriFIT software or a full TriFIT 600 system, the same instructions
You can designate one TriFIT computer as the “Server” and all the other TriFIT
systems on your network as “Clients”. The Server has the database that all the
other TriFIT’s will be sharing. The shared database can be on a computer that
TriFIT is not installed on as well. Since network hardware and software can vary
widely the following sequence below is offered as a general guideline.
Make sure the TriFIT program is installed on the computer you decide to
make the server. Again, a TriFIT machine may be used as the server for
all the other TriFIT clients.
Install the network license on the server; use
supplied floppy or call 800/717-2070 to be
licensed over the phone. (see previous section for
licensing over the phone)
Run the
Program HealthFirst TriFIT Database
(DBLocate.exe) from every TriFIT client
computer you want to share the database with.