digits specified from the front of the dialed numbers
E.g. original number 123456, with strip digits 1, system will
send 23456
Example for both prefix and strip digits were set:
Original Number: 123456, prefix 133, strip digits 1
System will send out: 13323456
Timeout sets the time for this dial command to be run, if set, it
will ring for the trunk for specifed time (in seconds)
Dial Extensions
Peter Chan (101)
Timeout (in seconds): 15
Select one or multiple extension(s) to ring, if timeout value
have been set, the selected extension(s) will be rang for
specified time only.
Dial Extension (according to dial
Prefix: 2
Strip Digits: 1
Dial to an extension number acoording to dial rule.
If prefix is specifed, it will be added in front of the dialed
numbers and send to the specifed trunk.
E.g. original number 201, with Prefix 2, system will send 2201
If strip digits is specified, system will remove the number of
digits specified from the front of the dialed numbers
E.g. original number 201, with strip digits 1, system will send
Dial Extension Group
Admin Department
Dial to the specified extension group
Extension group members can be setup in Extension Group
Dial Phone No.
Dial to specifed phone number
Works with any VOIP URI
Direct Pickup
Prefix: 2
Strip Digits: 1
To perform extension direct pickup.
Password: 1357
Dialplan Group: default
DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
To provide internal dial features by calling into the system
Password field specifies the password to run DISA
Dialplan Group to specify the dialplan used when using DISA
Fax Extension
611 (Peter Chan)
Redirect the call to the specified fax box
(for systems with Fax module only)
Fax reception
Prefix: 2
Strip Digits: 1
Redirect the call to fax boxes according to the dial rule
To hangup the call, any commands followed by this command
will not be handled.
IVR Menu
Main IVR
Redirect the call to specified IVR Menu.