Gigabit Content Security Router User’s Manual
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corresponding server IP, and the others will be alias of A record domain. If you change your server IP, you
don’t have to modify every domain one by one. Just changing A record domain, and the other domains will be
assigned to new IP address automatically.
Input Alias Record corresponding to A Record.
Input the existed A Record domain name.
7. Mail Server: Add or modify mail server record.
MX Record is directed to a mail server. It orientates to a mail server according to the domain name of an
E-mail address. For example, someone on internet sends a mail to [email protected]. The mail server will
search MX Record of mydomain.com through DNS. If the MX Record exists, sender PC will send mails to the
mail server assigned by MX Record.
Host Name
Display the host name without domain name of mail host.
Indicate the order of several mail hosts, the smaller has more priority.
Mail Server
Input the server name which is saved in A Record or external mail server.
Click “
” button to save the configuration. Besides, users have to configure DNS service port as following
8. Enable DNS Query (DNS service port) in Access Rule of Firewall setting.
Add a new access rule in Firewall setting to enable DNS service port of the WAN on which Inbound Load
Balance need to be enabled.