P.RG F4202N
© (2010) Pirelli Broadband Solutions S.p.A. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary Use Pursuant to Cover Page Instructions.
HBK 939800036-A1
Advanced Section
To restore your data:
Press the 'Backup and Restore' icon in the 'Advanced' screen of the Man-
agement Console. The 'Backup and Restore' screen will appear.
Press the 'Restore' tab.
In the Restore screen that appears, configure the following parameters:
(a) Type the source to restore in the 'Source Archive' field. For example,
(b) Choose whether to restore the entire archive or only a sub directory, in
the 'Restore Option' combo-box. If you choose sub directory, a second field
will appear in which you must enter the name of the sub directory, relative to
the source archive. For example, to restore A/homes/john, type john as the
sub directory.
(c) Choose a destination for which to restore the archive. You can choose
between the original location or any other directory. If you choose the an-
other directory, a second field will appear in which you must enter the name
of the directory. Note that the path of the restored directory will be created
under the path of the destination directory. For example, if you specify the di-
rectory A/restore dir, the result will be A/restore dir/A/homes/john.
Restore Panel
P.RG F4202N maintains two certificate stores:
P.RG F4202N’s Local.
This store contains a list of approved certificates that
are used to identify the Router to its clients. The list also includes certificate re-
quests that are pending a CA's endorsement.
You can obtain certificates for the Router using the following methods:
Requesting an X509 Certificate. This method creates both a private and a
matching public key. The public key is then sent to the CA to be certified.