P.RG F4202N
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Security Section
HBK 939800036-A1
You may want to block specific computers within the home network (or even the
whole network) from accessing certain services on the Internet. For example,
you may want to prohibit one computer from surfing the Web, another computer
from transferring files using FTP, and the whole network from receiving incom-
ing e-mail.
Access Control defines restrictions on the types of requests that may pass from
the home network out to the Internet, and thus may block traffic flowing in both
directions. It can also be used for allowing specific services when maximum se-
curity is configured. In the e-mail example given above, you may prevent com-
puters in the home network from receiving e-mail by blocking their outgoing re-
quests to POP3 servers on the Internet.
There are numerous services you should consider blocking, such as popular
game and file sharing servers. For example, if you want to make sure that your
employees do not put your business at risk from illegally traded copyright files,
you may want to block several popular P2P and file sharing applications.
Access Control panel
To allow or restrict services:
Select the 'Access Control' tab in the 'Security' management screen. The
'Access Control' screen will appear.
Click the 'New Entry' link. The 'Add Access Control Rule' screen will appear
The Address combo-box provides you the ability to specify the computer or
group of computers for which you would like to apply the access control rule.
You can select between any, a specific computer in your LAN, or 'User De-