Function description
System Description Service Robotics Modules
| 56
Please note:
If the "Play" button is not operated or the end of the program is reached, the robot move-
ment will stop. This stop corresponds to a controlled stop of the robot movement; i.e. this
stop does not trigger the stop function SS1.
However, if the enabling device on the teach pendant is not operated, the stop function SS1
is triggered.
In the operating mode "Manual high-speed", if the enable is re-issued after
having been cancelled, the speed will be reset to the initial speed limit of
maximum 250 mm/s.
In this case the teach pendant can be used to again select speed values up
to the maximum speed.
If the operating mode "Manual high-speed" is active and there is no enable
from the enabling device for more than 5 minutes, the operating mode
"Manual high-speed" is automatically deactivated and switches simultan-
eously to "Manual reduced speed".
Risk due to inactive safeguards
If you switch from one of the manual operating modes into automatic oper-
ating mode before the full functionality of all the suspended safeguards can
be restored, personal injury and/or material damage may arise, depending
on the application.
The system or plant integrator must ensure that there is no return to auto-
matic operating mode until full functionality of all the suspended safeguards
has been restored.