Change, maintenance, decommissioning
System Description Service Robotics Modules
| 101
Change, maintenance, decommissioning
It may be necessary to change a process/machine because
A safety requirement has changed
A systematic fault has occurred
There are new operational or production requirements
The process cycle/machine has changed
The list provides examples of some events that would necessitate a change
to a process/machine. The list does not claim to be exhaustive!
Before changing a safe process/safe machine, a preparatory analysis must be carried out.
The following effects must be analysed:
How the changes will affect the safety of the process/machine
How the changes will affect the safety functions
How the changes will affect the SIL/PL
The change requirements can be combined into a catalogue of requirements. This should
Detected hazards
Desired changes
Reason for the changes
The change should only be carried out by persons with the necessary knowledge and ex-
perience (competent persons). Therefore: the higher the safety requirement, the higher the
demands on the competence of the personnel (enable/verification, "four eyes" principle/
documentation of implemented changes).
– Following a change, if the safety analysis has shown that safety func-
tions need to be validated and tested, the change itself must be
tested, as must the course of the entire process. The tests must be
performed in one of the manual operating modes.
– Ensure that only the desired changes have been incorporated.
– Ensure that a brake test is performed before recommissioning.
– Please note the requirements for recommissioning that result from
the risk analysis after a change.