Design and planning
System Description Service Robotics Modules
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End-effector coordinate system The end-effector coordinate system is situated on the ro-
bot arm’s end-effector.
Axes of the end-effector coordinate system: X
End effector
, Y
, Z
End effector
Base transformation
The translation and rotation of the robot arm within the
workspace is called base transformation. A base trans-
formation is carried out using configurable offsets. The
teach pendant must be used to configure the offset.
If no base transformation is present, then the origins of
the robot and world coordinate system are congruent.
End-effector TCP
If an end-effector is installed on the robot arm, the TCP
moves from the flange TCP to the end-effector TCP.
TCP transformation
The translation of the TCP from the flange TCP to the
end-effector TCP is called TCP transformation. A TCP
transformation is carried out using configurable offsets for
translation and rotation.
Axes of the end-effector coordinate system: X
End effector
, Y
, Z
End effector
Configure offset values on the teach pendant
Configure the offset values required for base transformation and/or TCP
transformation depending on your application. In doing so please note:
– The offset values should be configured before creating the robot pro-
– The offset values for translation should be stated in millimetres; the
offset values for rotation in angle degrees.
– The offset values for the TCP transformation should be stated in the
robot coordinate system.
– The positions of the traverse motions in the robot program refer to
the world coordinate system.