Function description
Operating Manual PMCprotego S2-2(-C)
Reset: Input for reset
Ready: Output for operating status of the safety card
STO Acknowledge: Output for feedback from safety function STO
Safe stop 2 - SS2
The safety function "Safe Stop 2" (SS2) brakes the drive in a controlled manner and monit-
ors it for standstill.
Features of the safety function:
The drive’s control functions are maintained. Power is applied to the motor.
Power to the motor is not shut down.
The safety function "Safe Stop 2" corresponds to controlled braking in accordance with
IEC 60204-1, stop category 2.
The safety card monitors the following functions:
Braking ramp
In the Configurator, the braking ramp is specified and monitoring is activated. The brak-
ing period depends on the speed of the motor when braking is started.
The braking ramp can be monitored via a maximum position error specified in the Con-
Braking ramp in normal operation
The drive starts with the configured braking ramp when safety function SS2 has been
activated. Once the time has elapsed, SOS is activated.
Standstill position
The safety function monitors whether the standstill position remains within a con-
figured tolerance window.
Safety function SS1 (E-STOP braking ramp) is activated if the standstill position
leaves the tolerance window.
Automatic SOS at standstill
A standstill threshold for activating the safety function SOS can be specified in the Con-
Safety function SOS is activated when
standstill is achieved while the SOS delay time is running.
the SOS delay time has elapsed.
Input and output assignment in the Configurator:
Inputs I0 ... I6
SS2 Activate
Outputs O0 … O3
SSA Safe Standstill Acknowledge
Prerequisites for normal operation:
Input "SS1 Activate" and "Reset": "1" Signal (+24 VDC)
"Ready" output: "1" Signal (+24 VDC). The safety card is ready for operation.
"STO Acknowledge" output: “0” Signal