© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual
Rev. 01 — 15 August 2005
Philips Semiconductors
Volume 1
Chapter 11: I
C interfaces
11.9.19 State:
Data has been received, ACK has been returned. Data will be read from I2DAT. Additional
data will be received. If this is the last data byte then NOT ACK will be returned, otherwise
ACK will be returned.
1. Read data byte from I2DAT into Master Receive buffer.
2. Decrement the Master data counter, skip to step 5 if not the last data byte.
3. Write 0x0C to I2CONCLR to clear the SI flag and the AA bit.
4. Exit
5. Write 0x04 to I2CONSET to set the AA bit.
6. Write 0x08 to I2CONCLR to clear the SI flag.
7. Increment Master Receive buffer pointer
8. Exit
11.9.20 State:
Data has been received, NOT ACK has been returned. Data will be read from I2DAT. A
Stop condition will be transmitted.
1. Read data byte from I2DAT into Master Receive buffer.
2. Write 0x14 to I2CONSET to set the STO and AA bits.
3. Write 0x08 to I2CONCLR to clear the SI flag.
4. Exit
11.9.21 Slave Receiver States
11.9.22 State:
Own Slave A Write has been received, ACK has been returned. Data will be
received and ACK returned.
1. Write 0x04 to I2CONSET to set the AA bit.
2. Write 0x08 to I2CONCLR to clear the SI flag.
3. Set up Slave Receive mode data buffer.
4. Initialize Slave data counter.
5. Exit
11.9.23 State:
Arbitration has been lost in Slave Address and R/W bit as bus Master. Own Slave Address
+ Write has been received, ACK has been returned. Data will be received and ACK will be
returned. STA is set to restart Master mode after the bus is free again.
1. Write 0x24 to I2CONSET to set the STA and AA bits.
2. Write 0x08 to I2CONCLR to clear the SI flag.
3. Set up Slave Receive mode data buffer.
4. Initialize Slave data counter.