Mixing pump RITMO L Eco Overview - Operation
Table of Contents
12 April 2019 13:43:00
1 EC Declaration of Conformity ............ 6
2 Inspection ............................................ 7
2.1 Inspection by machine operator ............... 7
2.2 Periodic inspection ................................... 7
3 General information ........................... 8
3.1 Information regarding the operating
manual ................................................. 8
3.2 Keep the manual for future reference ...... 8
3.3 Division .................................................... 8
3.4 Spare parts lists ....................................... 9
4 Technical data ................................... 10
4.1 General information ............................... 10
4.2 Electrical data of RITMO L Eco ............. 10
4.3 Output values of RITMO L Eco .............. 10
4.4 Operating conditions .............................. 11
4.5 Connection values of water ................... 11
5 EMC test ............................................ 11
6 Sound power level ............................ 11
7 Vibrations .......................................... 11
8 Dimension sheet ............................... 12
9 Name plate ........................................ 12
10 Quality Control sticker ................... 12
11 Structure of RITMO L Eco .............. 13
11.1 Overview of RITMO L Eco ................... 13
11.2 View from rear RITMO L Eco ............... 14
12 Assembly units of RITMO .............. 14
12.1 Mixing tube with material hopper ......... 14
12.2 Gear motor with tilt flange .................... 15
12.3 Chassis ................................................ 15
13 Description of assemblies ............. 16
13.1 Overview of frequency converter and
on/off switch ....................................... 16
13.2 Overview of air compressor DT4.8
230 V .................................................. 16
13.3 Overview of RITMO L Eco water
manifold .............................................. 17
14 Connections of RITMO L Eco ........ 17
14.1 Connection of current ........................... 17
14.2 Connections of water and air................ 18
14.3 Mortar hose connection ........................ 18
15 Operating modes ............................ 18
15.1 Selector switch pump motor ................. 18
15.2 Potentiometer ....................................... 18
16 Accessories .................................... 19
17 Intended use control panel ............ 20
17.1 Intended use control panel ................... 20
17.2 Intended use solenoid valve ................. 20
17.3 Intended purpose flow meter ................ 20
18 Intended use air compressor ......... 21
18.1 Intended use air compressor ................ 21
18.2 Safety systems air compressor ............ 22
18.3 General positioning of the air
compressor......................................... 22
18.4 Hot surface of the air compressor ........ 22
19 Description PFT booster pump
(accessory) .................................... 23
19.1 Scope of application booster pump ...... 23
19.2 Intended use ......................................... 23
20 Preparation booster pump
(accessory) .................................... 24
21 Initial start-up, fill pump ................. 24
21.1 Commissioning booster pump .............. 24
22 Brief description of RITMO L Eco .. 25