Mixing pump RITMO L Eco Overview - Operation
12 April 2019 13:43:00
23 Material:
23.1 Flowability / Flow characteristic RITMO L Eco
The pump B4-2 L can be used up to 20 bar operating pressure.
The possible conveying distance depends mainly on the flowability of the material.
Runny materials, fillers, paints etc. have good flow characteristics.
If 20 bar operating pressure are exceeded the mortar hose length has to be reduced.
In order to avoid machine faults and increased wear of the pump motor, mixing shaft and the
pump itself, only original PFT spare parts such as
PFT rotors
PFT stators
PFT mixing shafts
PFT - Material hoses should be used.
These are compatible with each other and form a constructive unit with the machine.
Non-compliance does not only cause loss of guarantee, but also bad mortar quality is to be
24 Mortar pressure gauge
Fig. 26: Mortar pressure gauge
The use of a mortar pressure gauge is recommended for
safety-related reasons.
PFT mortar pressure gauge
Some advantages of the mortar pressure gauge:
Exact adjustment of the correct mortar consistency.
Constant control of the right conveying pressure.
Early detection of clogging or overload of the pump motor.
Relieving pressure.
Is a major contribution to the safety of the operators.
Long service life of the PFT pump parts.
25 Safety rules
Observe the regional safety rules for mortar
conveyors and mortar guns!