Mixing pump RITMO L Eco Overview - Operation
Description PFT booster pump (accessory)
12 April 2019 13:43:00
19 Description PFT booster pump (accessory)
19.1 Scope of application booster pump
The PFT booster pump is mainly used as booster pump for
interposing at the mortar mixer and mortar mixing pumps with
insufficient water pressure. Moreover it can be used as suction
pump to suck liquids from containers, to empty smaller pools and
ponds, for cellar drainage and irrigation.
The constant water supply of the PFT machine technology is
automatically ensured by means of water supply from a water
reservoir by the PFT booster pump.
A flow pressure of at least 2.5 bar with the machine in operation on
the construction side is guaranteed by means of suction from the
water reservoir.
Configuration example
Fig. 22: Booster pump and water tank
00 49 36 86 article number of
booster pump AV3000/1
Suction strainer with stainless steel filter screen, suction hose 1“,
Art.-no. 00 13 66 19
19.2 Intended use
The PFT booster pump is recommended only for
pumping of clean water, of water containing a
reasonable amount of impurities and non-
aggressive chemical liquids. Media with fibrous and
abrasive components should be avoided.
Their use is subject to the regulation of local