RCS Climbing Device and Hydraulics
Assembly Instructions
Intended Use
The Climbing Device RCS 50 is used
exclusively for lifting a climbing unit,
consisting of formwork and supporting
structure, to the next concreting section.
PERI products have been designed
for exclusive use in the industrial and
commercial sectors by suitably trained
personnel only.
These Assembly Instructions serve
as a basis for the project-related risk
assessment as well as instructions for
the provision and use of the system by
the contractor (user). However, they
do not replace them.
The components are to be inspected
before each use to ensure they are in
perfect condition and that they function
Only PERI original components may be
used. The use of other products and
spare parts represents a misapplication
with associated safety risks.
Changes to PERI components are not
permitted and represent a misapplication
with associated safety risks.
Safety instructions and permissible
loads must be observed at all times.
Components provided by the contractor
must conform with the requirements
found in these Assembly Instructions as
well as all valid construction guidelines
and standards.
Deviations from the standard con-
figuration are not permitted. Special
applications must be described in the
form of detailed planning and operating
instructions based on a separate risk
assessment. These special applications
must be approved by PERI.
Anything other than the use that is
specified in Point 1 is considered
contrary to the designated use!
For damage arising from non-intended
– the operator bears the sole
– the manufacturer assumes
no liability.