RCS Climbing Device and Hydraulics
Assembly Instructions
Part C Maintenance
C3 Maintenance and Repairs
C3.5 Cleaning and replacing the oil
1. Unscrew the plastic cap of the return
flow filter (3.7) and open (Fig. 23).
Plastic cap presses the filter element
(3.12) into the lower part of the
housing (3.13) by means of a spring.
2. Pull out the lower part of the housing
(3.13) including the filter element (3.12)
from the head piece. (Fig. 24)
Make sure that the hydraulic oil tank
remains free of any dirt and impurities.
1. Drain contaminated oil from the lower
part of the housing (3.13) and dispose
of correctly.
2. Clean filter element (3.12); if neces-
sary, dispose of correctly and replace
with a new filter. (Fig. 25)
3. Press lower part of the housing (3.13)
with filter element into the head piece.
4. Fit red plastic cap and tighten.
(3.12) Filter element
Type: ARGO P3.0520-51
(3.13) Lower part of the housing
Type: ARGO FR 072.0104
Fig. 25: Dismantling the filter element
Fig. 23: Screwing on the cap
(3.7) Return flow filter
S/N: K017.006
Fig. 24: Removing the filter element