CMOS Setup
ID 21112, Rev. 05
Page 4 - 22
PEP Modular Computers GmbH
Power Management
This option allows you to select the type (or degree) of power saving for Doze, Standby,
and Suspend modes. See the section PM Timers for a brief description of each mode.
The following table describes each power management mode:
PM Control by APM
If Advanced Power Management (APM) is installed in your system, selecting Yes gives
improved power savings.
Video-Off Method
Determines the manner in which the monitor is blanked.
Video-Off Option
This item determines the power management modes the monitor will enter before
entering the Off-state as defined by the Video Off Method below. The Video Off Option
moves from the low (doze) to the medium (standby) to high (suspend) power saving
Modem Use IRQ
Name the interrupt request (IRQ) line assigned to the modem (if any) on your system.
Activity by the selected IRQ always awakens the system.
Table 4-7: Power Management Modes
Max. Saving
Maximum power savings. Only Available for
SL CPU’s. Inactivity period is 1 minute in
each mode.
User Defined
Sets each mode individually. Select time-out
periods in the PM Timers section, which
Min. Saving
Minimum power savings. Inactivity period is
one hour in each mode (except the hard drive).
Table 4-8: Video-Off Commands
V/H SYNC+Blank
System switches off vertical and horizontal
synchronization ports and writes blanks to the video
DPMS Support
Select this option if your monitor supports the
Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS)
standard of the Video Electronics Standards
Association (VESA). Use the software supplied for
your video subsystem to select video power
management values.
Blank Screen
System writes blanks only to the video buffer.
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