Short Circuit Current less than 2 Ma.
Open Circuit Voltage 5.0 VDC
Mute / Reset Input
The mute / reset input is intended
for use with a momentary push
button switch mounted on the
dead front or on the side of the
enclosure. It has the following
Short Circuit Current less than 2 Ma.
Open Circuit Voltage 5.0 VDC
Relay Outputs
There are five relays which are
used for pumps and alarms. All of
them except the low alarm relay
are form A (SPST) relays. The
low alarm is a form C (SPDT)
relay. They have the following
Maximum current at 120 VAC,
7 amps with a resistive load
Maximum voltage 140 VAC
Power Inputs
The controller is designed to
run on 120 VAC control power.
It is internally fused at 1 amp
and transient protected with a
MOV transient protector. It uses
transformer isolation and internal
current limited voltage regulators.
It has the following specifications:
Input Voltage 120 VAC ± 10%
50 to 70 Hz.
Maximum Current 0.4 amps
Operating and Storage
Temperature Range
Operating Temperature –10° C to
60° C
0% to 95% relative humidity, non-
Storage Temperature –20° C to
65° C
0% to 95% relative humidity, non-
Fault Driver Outputs
The controller has seven open drain
FET driver outputs for driving
external relays, lights, telephone
dialers, or remote terminal units.
The outputs short to ground when
activated and have the following
Maximum v12VDC
Minimum voltage 0.0 VDC
Maximum continuous sink current
+0.4 amps
Maximum on resistance 2 ohms
WARNING: Before handling
these pumps and controls, always
dis con nect the power first. Do
not smoke or use sparkable
electrical devices or flames in
a septic (gas eous) or possible
septic sump.
1. Pump does not run in
Hand position.
a. Check pump circuit breaker
and control fuse for trip ping
or blown condition.
b. Check incoming power
age and control
cir cuit volt age.
c. Check overload re lay to see
if it is tripped. Reset relay
if tripped and check pump
current with ammmeter.
d. With the power off, check
motor heat sensor continuity.
e. Check wiring of pump to
trol panel. It should
agree with the sche mat ic.
f. Check
re sis tance.
2. Pump does not run in
Auto position.
a. Check items (a.) through (f.)
per Item #1 above.
b. Floats may be miswired to
control panel. Check float
type (N.O. or N.C.) and
hook up by re fer ring to the
schematic. If the start and
stop floats are hooked in
reverse, pump will short
cycle and will not pump the
level down.
1. Is water level in the
sys tem high enough to
ac ti vate the floats?
2. If there is enough water
in the system (with the
power turned off), mark
and disconnect the off
and on floats. Next,
install jumper wires in
the terminal blocks for off
and on floats. Turn power
back on, put H-O-A
switch in Auto and see if
pump runs.
3. If pump runs with jumper,
problem is with floats.
Remove jumpers and
troubleshoot floats with
4. If pump does not run in
Auto mode with jumpers,
check Auto circuit wiring
in panel.
3. Pump runs, but run light
does not energize.
a. Re move light and check
with an ohmmeter.
b. Check run light wir ing.