PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners
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DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu
secondary fan
quality and optimal flue gas content. To control the burning procedure oxygen
sensor (optional) for fan’s speed regulation is used.
Both fans rotation speed is measured by sensor, installed near the impeller
axle. The sensor is reading magnetic field changes caused by magnet installed
on the impeller axle.
Controller board Controller board controls the burner´s burning process, by calculating fuel
amount also feeder and auger work during burning process. Depending on the
input signals from the sensors, controller makes necessary changes to the
output states to maximize burning efficiency. Controller has a single control
GSM modem
A GSM modem enables burner to send SMS messages with various information
of burner´s operating states (errors). GSM modem is located on control unit.
Feeder auger
Internal feeders are used to deliver correct amount of fuel into burning
chamber. Delivered fuel amount is regulated by periodical work of feeder gear
24V DC motors are supplied from backup battery to empty feeder tubes in case
of power failure.
When there is no power from the main power supply then the burner is
operating on battery power. PV1000 uses two 12V 3,4 Ah batteries. Because
the battery is a safety element, the burner checks batteries condition and does
not start the next working cycle if the batteries voltage is too low.
Internal feeder
Hollow spiral connected to feeder motor to transport pellets into burning
chamber. Screw is not tightened to motor, but has small slack. It lowers the
mechanical stress and expands gear motor lifetime.
Pressure sensor
Metal tube to connect pressure sensor input. Pressure sensor measures
draught in burning chamber and enables the controller to regulate flue gas fan
1.1 Safety devices
The back-burning is the biggest danger risk at burners working procedure. Back-burning appears when
usual pressure or draught conditions have changed in boiler’s combustion chamber. There are several
reasons for such changes.
In order to secure operational and fire safety the PV700a/PV1000a burners are equipped with following
safety devices:
Back up batteries.
Enable to finish safely burning procedure in normal conditions or during
unexpected black out in mains supply.
Melting hose.
The external auger is connected to the burner with a special hose (
76mm), which is
made from easily melting polyurethane material that interrupts when back-burning takes place.
Such measurement avoids entrance of the flame from burner into external auger and pellets
Thermostatic sprinkler valve.
Enables to extinguish the fire in feeder’s augers tube by spraying
water into it, when burner is overheated due to possible back-burning or any other reason.