The homepage of the web interface displays the gateways status, events log, the
hardware and firmware versions.
Gateway status [1]:
Displays the Bluetooth and server status as well as if the Gateway is online and
has its credentials set.
Reboot option [2]:
Reboot the Gateway to simply press the Reboot Gateway button. This will send
the command to the Gateway to reboot.
Note: that during the reboot the web interface will go offline
Upgrade software [3]:
In the gateway settings tab on the web interface it is possible to manually
update the gateways firmware if required. To update the gateway browse to the
firmware update file provided by Parklio and click on Upload file.
Gateway Information [4]:
Contains the hardware, software and application version.
Time [5]:
Shows Gateways internal date and time with the system time.
Logout [6]:
This button is placed on all the web interfaces tabs and is used to logout out of
the interface.
Note: 15 minutes after logging into the interface the system will automatically
logout the user.
Events [7]:
Contains the list of all the errors and changes made on the Gateway.
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