Parker EME
Setting up Compax3
192-120113 N08 C3I12T11 - December 2010
Friction compensation
The activation of the friction compensation (end of the velocity loop)
681.6 Speed
Tracking error
2100.7 Velocity loop - "D" term
2100.2 Stiffness
2100.3 Damping
681.10 Setpoint Speed
688.14 Current &
jerk feed-forward RMS
, n, O2200.24, Obj. 2200.20)
Filter tracking error
The friction compensation helps the control to surmount static friction at low
setpoint speeds. The non linear characteristic line is partly compensated by this
and a smaller deadband can be chosen, which will increase the position accuracy.
The amplitude of the friction compensation depends on the application and must be
calculated if needed. If the value is set too high, corrective movements may result
and the tendency to oscillate is increased.
Commissioning window
In this chapter you can read about:
Load identification .......................................................................................................... 227
Setpoint generation ....................................................................................................... 227
Commissioning window
With the aid of the setup window, the drive can be set up in a simple way.
Load identification
If you do not know the mass moment of inertia, it can be determined. For this, you
click on the corresponding button (see setup window no. 13). After the following
parameter entry, the identification can be started via the same button.
For more detailed information on the load identification, see the device help,
chapter "load identification".
This measurement requires the correct EMC or torque constant value Kt.
Setpoint generation
In this chapter you can read about:
Internal setpoint generation ........................................................................................... 227
External setpoint generation .......................................................................................... 229
The setpoints for the control loops are provided in two different ways - internally or
externally. The setpoint generation depends on the technology option of the device.
Internal setpoint generation
The internal setpoint generation can be used for the technology options >T10. In
this case, the internal setpoint generator generates the entire motion profile with
position, velocity, acceleration and jerk.