. Diopter Focusing
Compass Calibra�on
A�er powering the device, rotate the diopter focusing wheel so that you can see the screen clearly.
As long as you can clearly see the crosshair and text on the screen, the diopter focusing se�ng has been
Diopter focusing is used to adjust to users with different levels of corrected vision to clearly see the content displayed
on the screen.
Note: The image may not seem clear a�er diopter adjustment, as the objec�ve lens s�ll needs to be focused.
A�er the eyepiece is focused, please use the "figure 8 pa�ern method" to calibrate the electronic
compass.Users are required to �lt and move the device in a figure 8 mo�on un�l the compass is
calibrated as shown in picture 2.
Picture 1
Picture 2