Configuring SuperTCP/eXceed 4
To configure SuperTCP and eXceed 4, perform the following steps:
1. If Windows is not running, type win at the DOS prompt.
2. Double click on SetupTCP icon in the superTCP program group. A dialog box
‘‘SuperTCP Kernel for Windows, Version 4.00 R2” appears.
3. Click on the Names icon and replace ffw_name with the name of the workstation.
4. Click on the interface icon and enter the appropriate IP Address and IP Address Mask.
5. Click on the IP Setup icon and enter the appropriate Default Gateway.
6. Click
7. Exit
8. With a text editor, edit the file c:\exceed\user\6800.xs in section [Xstart] as follows:
Replace ffw_name in line
Command=export DISPLAY=ffw_name; startx –t
with the name of the workstation
Replace in the line
with the IP address of the host/uip machine which connects to the workstation
9. Save the file.
10. Restart Windows.
11. Double click on the 6800 icon in the eXceed program group to start a 6800 session.