UC300 Universal Converter
Chapter 2: Overview
The UC300, when combined with an IP150, a PCS250/PCS250G or both, forms a universal IP reporting solution
allowing the connection of CID control panels to Paradox IP receivers. It is a device that converts signals coming
from any panel using a landline interface with CID to Paradox proprietary protocol. This enables the end user to
take advantage of Paradox communication products to get and give reports from their current system to
Command Centers, Central Monitoring Systems, individuals, and emergency services.
This is a universal IP reporting solution that will complement your system communications with serial or
parallel notifications. This system is fully redundant with back-up connections and protocols so that your
system will continue to send reports under all adverse conditions.
Combined with IP150 and PCS250/PCS250G, the new UC300 will send reports through 3 separate media:
• Landline (done by the panel)
• IP with the IP150 module (supports email)
• GPRS with the PCS250/PCS250G module attached (supports personal SMS messages sent to up to eight
phone numbers)
Main features:
• Connected to the ring and tip output of any panel, the UC300 may be set to function as parallel or sequential
(serial) backup
• Reports in conjunction with landline or as a backup
• Receive, translate and forward the PSTN reporting using Paradox protocol (IPDOX)
• Supports up to 2 IP/GPRS receivers (IPR512/IPRS7/SDK) using Paradox proprietary protocol with primary and
secondary addresses for each receiver
• Emulates FXS telephone line which will allow panel reporting when there is no external telephone line
• Module configuration and status via Paradox BabyWare
• Reports via email to a maximum of 16 email accounts (when using IP150
• Reports via SMS to a maximum of 8 SMS phone numbers (when using PCS250/PCS250G)
• Firmware upgrades via IP, serial connection or GPRS
• Supports multiple languages for both the Web Interface of the IP150 and SMS
• Generates contact ID on phone line interface in order to emulate landline receiver
• Monitors the landline (can be configured)
• Switches automatically to the IP or GPRS reporting after a number of failed attempts on the landline
• Switches automatically to IP or GPRS reporting if no landline is detected by the built-in telephone line
monitoring (TLM) circuit. The UC300 also reports telephone line failure over IP/GPRS
• If needed (only if IP150 is installed) the module can be registered to PMH with polling option on/off
Programing the UC300 converter and/or reading the logs will be made via the BabyWare application using a
serial adapter (307USB connector), LAN (IP150) or GPRS (PCS250/PCS250G). In case of using PCS250/PCS250G
without the IP150, the first programing of the PCS250/PCS250G (APN, password, etc.) will be made by SMS
command or serial adapter (307USB).
1. The UC300 with the IP150 and /or the PCS250/PCS250G should be configured through
BabyWare (except for email configuration by the end user).
2. For Compliance with EN 50136, FW upgrade should be performed by the manufacturer only.