Section F: Appendices
Par T Optisense™ –
A patented ball-flight tracking system. It is housed in a topless metal box,
measuring sixteen inches wide by six inches high by 48 inches long (16" X
6" X 48") and includes three overhead cameras, the three infrared lights and
accompanying fans.
Par T Tri-Turf, The Incredible
Golfing Mat™
A unique, patented driving surface which closely resembles fairway, rough
and sand trap conditions. The assembly is recessed into the center of the
upper platform.
Platform –
The fourteen foot by twenty-two four inch (14' X 22' 4”) base for the
Double Eagle, which is built on-site by each owner.
Putting Light
Electrical connections, manually connected to the frame, to which the putt
lights attach.
Putting Lights
Two, 50-watt, reflector floodlights which are attached to the frame.
These lights automatically turn on when all of the golfers reach the green.
Putting Surface
A specially constructed, indoor-outdoor carpet, with a heavy backing.
One 12’ X 36’ piece is provided with each Double Eagle.
Screen –
A 8’ x 11’5”, double woven nylon material, specially designed to
withstand the impact of the golf ball. It is suspended from the steel
modular frame and canopy with shock cord.
Shock Cord
Commonly referred to as bungee cord. It is supplied in three pre-cut
pieces, and is used to attach the screen to the canopy and frame.
Simulator Tests
Program on the computer used for simulator adjustments.
Touch Monitor
Monitor mounted on top of control console, used for entering information
and setup of the Double Eagle.