from 1 to 63 to change the brightness of the display, the default is 63.
On the
“Backlight Time” line the user may enter a number from 1 to 255 seconds, the
default is 60 seconds. This is the number of seconds that the display will stay light with
no activity before turning OFF to conserve power.
After making all the necessary changes on this page, press the “Save Config” button to
save the changes.
Press the up and over arrow to return to the Basic Setting Menu page.
Figure 42: Brightness Setting Page
Date and Time Setting Page
This page allows the user to set the date and time in the UPS. This page has the same
two banners across the top of the page as described in the Status Menu page.
The main body of this page has two lines, one for Date and one for Time
. On the “Date”
line press on the date field to enter the Year, Month, and Day in the following format,
On the “Time” line press on the time field to enter the Hour (24 hour format), Minute and
Second in the following format, HH:MM:SS. This date and time will be shown at the top
of all pages and is used to timestamp the event log and for running periodic tests.
After making all the necessary changes on this page, press the “Save Config” button to
save the changes.
Press the up and over arrow to return to the Basic Setting Menu page.