alarms in the UPS. The audio alarm location toggles between mute and unmute every
time it is pressed. When the audio is unmuted, this location will have a green speaker
icon as shown in Figure 33, when the audio is muted, this location will have a red
speaker icon, refer to Figure 36.
Figure 36: Alarm Menu Page with Audio OFF
Setting Pages
There are several setting pages, the first page provides a menu of the two setting page
levels. Setting pages are used to configure the UPS. The basic setting page is not
password protected; however, the advanced setting pages are password protected.
Setting Menu Page
This is the menu page for the UPS setting pages. This page has the same two banners
across the top of the page and the same banner along the bottom of the page as
described in the Status Menu page.
The main body of this page has two levels that may be pressed to transition the FPD to
the Basic Setting pages or the Advanced Setting pages. Pressing on the Basic Setting
level will transition the FPD to the Basic Setting menu page. Pressing on the Advanced
Setting level will transition the FPD to the Password Entry page (if the user is not
already logged in with the proper credentials), where the appropriate password must be
entered to continue to the Advanced Setting menu page.