Figure 28: Output Status Page 2 (3-Phase UPS)
Status Information Page
These two pages provide the status of the Maintenance Bypass switches, the status of
the dry contact ports built into the UPS, the status of a generator connection and the
measured ambient temperature. Both pages have the same two banners across the top
of the page as described in the main menu page.
Status Information Page 1
The main body of the first page contains status of the output breaker in the Maintenance
Bypass Switch unit and the status of three dry contact points (battery switch, input
switch and bypass switch). The MBS output breaker is sensed through the OUTPUT
senor port on the back of the UPS. The other three dry contacts are provided as
monitoring point through dry contact ports on the back of the UPS. As noted in Section
1, these ports are only supported on the 3-phase UPS units. Therefore, all single-phase
UPS units will not show this page.
Press the down arrow to go to the next Information Status page. Press the up and over
arrow to return to the Status Menu page.