WAP-O3G User Manual
Spanning Tree Status
: Enabled by default; to turn it off, select
Bridge Hello Time
: The hello time is the interval between sending one bridge
protocol data unit (BPDU) and the next unit on a port. Type an entry between 1-
10 seconds.
Bridge Max Age
: Specify the maximum time the WAP-O3G can wait before
saving its configuration BPDU information. Type an entry between 6-40 seconds.
Bridge Forward Delay
: The forward delay is the amount of time the WAP-O3G
will spend in listening and learning states. Type an entry between 4-30 seconds.
: Assign a priority for the WAP-O3G in the Spanning Tree Protocol
hierarchy. Type a number between 0-65535.
SNMP Settings
In the main menu of the WAP-O3G, in the Network section, click SNMP Settings. The SNMP
Settings page appears, where you can enter a community name and password to manage the
O3G device remotely, using an SNMP client.
To manage the O3G remotely using an SNMP client, choose
Enter the contact information for the SNMP manager.
Enter the location of the WAP-O3G for reference by the SNMP
Community Name (Read Only)
: Type the password for read-only access to the
SNMP community.
Community Name (Read/Write)
: Type the password for read/write access to
the SNMP community.
Trap Destination IP Address
: Type the IP address to receive SNMP traps.
Trap Destination Community Name
: Type the password of the SNMP trap
to save your settings.