You have purchased what we at Painless Performance Products believe to be the most up-to-date
and easiest-to-install automotive fuel injection harness on the market. It is designed for easy
installation, even if you have no electrical experience.
This harness is designed to be a complete wiring system for the fuel injection system on General
Motors 1999 - 2002 4.8L, 5.3L, & 6.0L Vortec injected engines and to control the 4L60E, 4L65E,
4L80E, 4L85E automatic or manual transmissions using the computer Service #12200411. This
includes all wiring that is needed by the computer to run and control the injection system and
NOTE: This harness is not emissions legal unless used with kit #60322 or 60323.
To overcome the Passlock system in the 12200411 programming, the PCM will need to
have this feature removed. Contact Painless Performance with your proof of purchase for this
harness and we will flash your PCM for free. This harness along with the removal of the Passlock
software will get the Vortec engine and transmission up and operating but it is recommended that
you also have the computer reprogrammed to remove anything in the original factory programming
that relates to a device or devices that are not being used in your particular vehicle.
NOTE: This harness has no provision for operating cooling fans. If you wish to operate the fans
automatically, painless kit #30106 is available. This kit will turn the fans on at 205 degrees, and off
at 195. This kit is also available in a weatherproof version, part # 30127
NOTE: If you need your GEN III Vortec to be emission legal, the computers program must match the
emissions package to that specific engine.
NOTE: Most likely the check engine light will come on and stay on when using a computer without
removing the programming for any unused devises.
NOTE: Most remanufactured computers come without any programming in them and must be
programmed before they can be used.
NOTE: The program in your computer must match the transmission that you plan on using, the
manual, 4L60E, 4L65E, 4L80E, or 4L85E.
Usually the computer, relays and fuse block can easily be mounted under the dash. Most of the
wiring in the harness has been pre-terminated to the proper connector and all wire has been GM
color-coded. All wiring is TXL, 600 volt, and 125 degree centigrade with cross-link insulation.
This fuel injection system harness has been divided into three major groups:
Includes wiring for the fuel injectors, ignition & charging systems, power/ ground
and sensors.
Includes wiring for the ignition feed, assembly line diagnostic link (DLC)
connector, check engine light, computer connectors, brake switch, tachometer,
electric speedometer, fuse block, fuel pump relay connector and emissions
Include wiring for the VSS, park neutral position sensor, transmission and power
wire for fuel pump.