Is it true that I have to use High Speed Prime lenses with the PRO35 and not
the Standard Speeds?
No, it is not true that you have to use Zeiss High Speed primes. The advantage of the
HS lenses is the fact, that with a T 1.3 the HS lenses have a bigger aperture and ac-
cordingly a smaller depth of fi eld than standard speed lenses. Although you can use
other lenses, i.e. Ultra Primes or photo lenses: It is important to check each lens before
shooting, because you never know what could happen. That is what camera assistants
do before shooting with fi lm cameras and it should be the same before shooting with a
PRO35 and fi lm or photo lenses.
Is it possible to use 16 mm fi lm lenses with the PRO35?
The PRO35 is developed for the use with 35 mm fi lm lenses, that expose the whole
N35 Academy format. Since 16 mm lenses are styled for smaller frame sizes, vignetting
problems may occur. As a rough guide 16 mm lenses, whose rear lens is as large as a
one Euro coin should work. But if you decide to use 16 mm lenses, please test it before
Does the focal length of the lens I’m using change?
No, the focal length of the lens does not change. It stays the same!
Is the angle of view of the fi lm lenses I’m using affected by the Image
Neither the focus length nor the angle of view is affected by your Image Converter.
For all 35 mm fi lm lenses the image properties comply with the properties of a N35 fi lm
For further understanding: In principle every 35 mm fi lm lens draws a round image onto
the fi lm gate of a fi lm camera (most 35 mm fi lm lenses draw an image diameter of 30 mm
in order to expose S35 formats as well as N35 formats, although a diameter of 27,2 mm
suffi ces to expose the N35 formats). This fi lm gate or an accordant format mask cuts out
the framing as desired.For the PRO35 it’s nearly the same: The fore part of the Image
Converter is designed simular to a N35 fi lm camera
The fi lm lens draws a round image onto the Image Converter’s target, which is in the
same position as the fi lm stock in a fi lm camera. In a second step a 27,2 mm image circle
(remember: this is satisfactory for N35 formats!) is then squeezed to the diameter/dia-
gonal (11 mm) of the 2/3" CCD-chip. The CCD-chip then serves as a quasi format mask
and cuts out the framing according to the CCDs size. In conclusion it is to say that the
CCD-chip defi nes, what is recorded by the video camera!
Is the focal length or the angle of view of the photo lenses I’m using affected
by the Image Converter?
The focal length of your photo lenses is not affected by the PRO35.
Stills Photographers: Compared to still photography the angle of view changes (gets
Cinematographers: If you are used to shoot on fi lm lenses, you can handle a photo lens
the same way like a fi lm lens. I.e.: on the PRO35 the angle of view (as well as the focal
length and depth of fi eld) of a 50 mm photo lens is the same as of a 50 mm fi lm lens!
Differences remain in order to the handling (i.e. focus).