The following instruction can only be seen as a guideline. Please check the user
manual of the used camera!
P+S Technik does not issue guarantee for the correctness of the following
information and assumes experience in the adjustment of cameras:
Equipment: – White, homogeneous surface
(ideally use the so called Illuminator* or a Ulbricht-bowl)
– Waveform monitor / Vectorscope or Oscilloscope
(depends on type of camera HD / SD)
– High resolution monitor
(depends on type of camera HD / SD)
Point your camera on a equally lit WHITE surface.
Open the aperture of the fi lm lens and the second aperture of the PRO35 converter up to
Light the surface until a luminance of 80 % on the Waveform monitor is reached.
Check the homogeneity of your illumination with the Waveform indication (straight lines)
and eliminate stray light.
Make a white fader.
Check this with the help of the Vectorscope (if possible not coloured).
On the monitor: Set the controller for CHROMA on MAXIMUM and the controller for
CONTRAST on as high as possible
If the adjustment of the colour shading is necessary, you see:
a. On the monitor a coloured sequence, often cyan/magenta
(green on the bottom, red at the top)
b. At the Vectorscope not a 100 % uncoloured indication
c. At the Waveform-monitor in the Parade-display over VERTICAL inclined or parabolic
Adjust with the help of the user manual of the camera manufacturer the parameters in the
area of WHITE SHADING (or automatically or manually),
V SAW and V PARA in every colour channel (starting with green) as long as:
a. The Vectorscope shows clearly uncoloured (increase if necessary the display).
b. At the Waveform-monitor in the Parade-display over VERTICAL
for every colour channel straight lines are displayed.
If necessary repeat these steps also in the HORIZONTAL display with the adjust-
ments H SAW and H PARA (the terms can vary at different camera manufacturers).
Save the adjustments like described in the manual of the camera manufacturer.
Ideally these modifi cations are saved in a lens fi le and easily callable in case of changing
the lens to the PRO35 Image Converter.
that not every camera has the functionality of lens-fi les. In this case contact
your service engineer.