How can I translate focal length for PRO35 in order to achieve similar angles
of view compared to 35 mm fi lm, still photography and 2/3" video?
In order to achieve same angles of view with the PRO35 please use the following factors
starting from
* 2/3" video; 4:3 [Standard lens: 13 mm]: Factor: 2,4
* N35 fi lm 4:3 [Standard lens: 32 mm]: Factor: 1
* 2/3" video; 1:1,78 [Standard lens: 11mm]: Factor: 2,3
* N35 fi lm; 1:1,78 [Standard lens: 25 mm]: Factor: 1
* Stills Photography full format [Standard lens: 48 mm]: Factor 0,67
The standard focal lengths are based on a vertical visual angle of 28°
Is there a disadvantage between shooting with zoom lenses and shooting with
prime lenses regarding the lens speed?
Yes, the disadvantage is the speed of the different lens types. Due to the optical design
of zoom lenses you usually get less light through a zoom lens to the chip, compared to a
prime lens. The loss of light can be handled by opening the lens’s iris or putting up more
light sources. We recommend to use prime lenses, because you always have to keep
in mind, that there’s a light loss of 1.5 stops with the PRO35. The faster the lens, the
more light is left for exposure! Over and above a wide opened aperture creates a smaller
depth of fi eld.
What focal length will we get using Nikkor 15 mm?
It will be also 15 mm! But please
The angle of view will change in comparison to
35 mm still photography.
Regarding stills lenses: does any of the manufacturers you support provide
sets of prime lenses or do they all tend to go for the zoom lenses?
They do both, zoom lenses and prime lenses. But Nikon seems to be the only manufac-
turer that still produces photo lenses with real mechanic focus adjustment. Other lenses
are manufactured with auto focus function which is of no use with our products. But it
is possible to fi nd used prime lens sets in very good condition of Canon and other lens
Will we have aberration of the image or any problems with black edges
No, if you use recommended lenses you won’t have any such problems! If you use other
lenses please test them before shooting!
Is it possible to use a PRO35 between a complete series of Nikon 35 mm photo
lenses (20,28,35,50,80,180 mm) and a Sony HDCAM 750?
Yes, this is possible!