* Panavision Mount for PRO35
* Contax Mount for PRO35
The PRO35 mounts are not designed for quick change (like the ones for the
MINI35 are). Especially after assembling a fi lm lens mount to the PRO35 an adjustment
on a collimator is necessary.
What does the image the PRO35 creates look like?
Basically the PRO35 makes a limited depth of fi eld possible for 2/3" video cameras as
up to now it was applicable only in connection with 35 mm fi lm. Thereby the PRO35 en-
ables fi lm-makers to use limited depth of fi eld as another creative instrument for shooting
on video. At the same time the targets structural pattern affects the image comparably to
a light soft-focus and low-contrast fi lter and adds a fi lm grain-like effect to it. In contrast
to a textbook-perfect, hard and clean digital video, the PRO35 generates images, appea-
ring more lively and softer. Altogether the look and feel is similar to the imagery you are
used to from 35 mm fi lm
What is meant by “target”?
The “target” is the core of the Image Converter. It is a grinded optical glass, similar to a
ground glass, used in viewfi nder systems of fi lm cameras. The image, drafted by the fi lm
lens, is projected onto this target and in a second step captured by the CCD-chip of
your video camera. In order to blur the target’s structural pattern it is set into an oscillati-
on movement.
What kind of target (ground glass) is used in the PRO35?
The target, used in the PRO35, is a specially grinded optical glass, that minimizes light
Can I edit the same way?
Yes. You can edit the same way you are used to.
Is there a light loss using the PRO35?
Yes, for the PRO35 you can assume a light loss of 1.5 stops. Since the light loss is not
linear this is the “worst case” value.
How do I get started?
Since shooting with the PRO35 is similar to shooting with fi lm, we recommend to test
the complete setup in detail in order to familiarize with your Image Converter and its
specifi c features!
Is it possible to start shooting with the PRO35 right away?
Yes, this is possible, but since shooting with the PRO35 is similar to shooting with fi lm,
we recommend to test the complete setup in detail in order to familiarize with your new
Image Converter and its specifi c features! Please mind the necessity of Back focus and
Colour Shading adjustment.