Depth of fi eld:
Like the human eye has a selective perception, also fi lmmakers and cinematographers use
the depth of fi eld for calling the attention of the viewer to specifi c things or also to detract
from something.
At the same time the effective size of the picture plays an important part: The larger it is,
the lower is the depth of fi eld; small amateur cameras work often with very small sensors
and that’s why their picture comes across as unnaturally sharp. The P+S Technik Image
Converter allow now the identical depth of fi eld like in 35 mm fi lm on an electronic camera
with a considerably smaller size of the sensor.
Choice of lens:
The choice of lens is - especially in combination with high-resolution cameras - clearly
visible. Therefore test the lenses before shooting! See a list with applicable lenses in the
Aspect ratio:
Because of the fact that the human eye has a considerably larger horizontal fi eld of vision
than a vertical one, a lot of fi lms used already very early an analogous larger aspect ratio
for achieving an impressively large screen projection (Example: Cinemascope).
Like this a different visual effect is produced for the viewer only because of the picture