Issue: 2.86
Ovation Systems Ltd
Page 3 of
User Guide
SoundByte is a miniature ultra-high quality one, two, or optionally four, channel audio
recorder specifically designed for the most demanding covert surveillance applications.
Outstanding Audio Quality
With innovative ultra low-noise audio processing technology derived from broadcast
applications, SoundByte is able to record with a 20 bit resolution providing a dynamic
range of over 100dB. SoundByte is therefore able to capture a gun-shot to a pin-drop
without the need for AGC or user gain setup. With such undistorted detail, SoundByte
recordings are also ideal for post processing and enhancement.
Long Record Time & Fast File Downloads
A removable SD card of up to 128GB coupled with programmable quality and
sampling rates, provides up to 66 days of record time. Recordings are made in a
proprietary format with optional data encryption. Fast file downloads are assured via
the removable SD card or via high speed (20 MBytes/s) USB-2 interface.
SoundControl is a PC software manager that can play recordings directly from an SD
card, or v
ia SoundByte’s USB port. The unit is also compatible with Ovation PUMA for
fast, evidentially-secure download of evidence to DVD or Blu-ray disk.
Easy To Set Up & Deploy
SoundByte is remarkably small, low power and can record for up to 100 hours with its
internal AAA battery. For longer record times, the unit can also be powered from a 3.4
to 28 V external supply. Record control by on-unit button, voice activation (VOX),
internal timers and a programmable
external trigger input add to the system’s
versatility. High quality, internal or external Knowles microphones are included which
are quick and easy to wire-
up and deploy with Ovation’s i-Conex interconnection
Support, Latest Updates and Information
Ovation Systems
’ website includes a Secure User Area with the latest software
updates, data sheets, user guides etc. available for download. To gain access, please
with the serial number of one of your units, together with
your name and organisation.
IMPORTANT: Internal Clock Battery Life
The clock within SoundByte is powered by an internal rechargeable
battery with an expected life of approximately six months. SoundByte
should therefore be connected to an external supply or powered via
the USB interface for a minimum of 10 hours every six months. For
the avoidance of doubt, the internal AAA battery does not charge the
internal clock battery. See section 7.1 page 26 regarding checking
the clock battery’s status.
SoundBytes are shipped with fully charged clock batteries.