6 Osmetech OPTI™ Repair Procedures
Service Manual – Osmetech OPTI™ Analyzer
Gas manifold screws
Gas Aerodyne
Lee valve
Gas Manifold Module
The gas manifold module is located on the right rear side of the analyzer.
The calibration gas cylinder is screwed into the module to form a gas-tight seal.
The gas manifold module provides pressure regulation and controls the flow of
gas when required for cassette calibration. To remove the module, first open the
lower portion of the analyzer. Disconnect the Tygon tubes which connect to the
peristaltic pump and clean-out port. Next disconnect the cable connectors J9 and
JP6 on the Main Board. The module is held in place by two screws. After
removal of these screws, the module may be pulled out of the analyzer.
To replace the Lee valve, desolder the wires from the old valve.
To remove the Aerodyne gas module, remove the two screws holding the gas
manifold to the plastic housing.
Figure 30: Gas manifold module
Upon reassembly, make sure the tubes from the clean-out port and the peristaltic
pump are connected to the correct nipples. The tubes should
be crossed.
To add a new Lee valve, resolder the wires of the new valve to the harness.
The valve is not polarized. Add LockTite to the mounting screws. Do not over
tighten the screws, since this may damage the valve.
To re-install the Aerodyne module, you must use
screws DS7000.
The screws must be tightened such, that the two black rubber pads are
compressed to a thickness of 1.6mm. Use a feeler gauge to check the