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3.13 Mobile Unit Controls
Located inside of the mobile unit are the various controls that are used for operating such items as
the interior and exterior lights, the Platform Lift, warning lights, emergency stop buttons, fire alarms,
and emergency equipment.
Scan Room Lighting and Magnet
Quench Controls
Control Room Lighting and E-
Roll Door Controls and
Platform Lift “UP” light
Scan Room E-Stop and Magnet Quench Controls
Air Conditioning Trouble Light & Alarm
Figure 14: Mobile Unit Controls
Control Room Light Switches: ON / OFF light switch for Control Room fluorescent lights.
Exterior Light Switch:
ON / OFF light switch for the exterior lights.
MRI Emergency OFF Button
The emergency stop button for the MRI system will stop all
medical components. This will not stop the HVAC system. This is
also commonly referred to as the A-1 Stop Button.
Roll Door Controls:
Controls the movement of the roll door.
Platform Lift Warning Light:
Notifies the operator of the Platform Lift status. Whether it is raised
or lowered.
Scan Room Light Switches:
ON / OFF light switch for Scan Room.
Halogen Lights:
ON / OFF light switch for the halogen lighting.