Installation and operating manual for WATERFRIEND -Chlorine MRD-3 Page 23
The calibration is carried out as a one-point calibration with a reference measurement. The reference
measurement is done using a photometer. This photo meter is a portable instrument and is not supplied with
the metering system "MRD WATERFRIEND-3".
For a successful calibration, the pH value must be in the normal range. Otherwise, the calibration of the
chlorine sensor is not possible.
1. Adjust the measurement water flow rate to 0,5 l/min using the measuring water control valve
2. Take a sample of the pool water from the drain valve in the flow rate fitting
3. Determine the chlorine content of the water sample with the photometer
Procedure of calibration:
Press the
1. Select Chlorine settings
2. Select Calibration
3. Select Photometer value.
4. By pressing the arrow keys
, or with the keyboard on
the right side of the display, the measured value is entered.
5. Press the
key to confirm the photometer value.
6. Finally press the key end calibration to store the new calibration
data and finish the calibration.
The calibration is complete, the display returns to the default display.
Chlorine calibration errors
If the calibration can not be completed and the key is end calibration grayed out, the pH or the sample water
flow rate probably is not in the regular region. The values are then displayed in red.
Power-on delay of chlorine regulation
This setting should only be adjusted by a professional, and is only accessible in Expert Mode.
The controller only starts up after a delay period once the power supply has been provided and once
external enable has been switched on (e.g. filter control unit). This power-on delay is necessary because a
period specific to the overall system elapses once the filter pumps have been switched on before the
completely mixed water reaches the sensors. This mixing process is mainly dependent on the pool size, the
dimensions of the filter pump, the pipe length and the filter itself.
The delay period can, if required, be adapted to the actual pool size.
Press the
1. Select Chlorine settings
2. Press the key
in the key bar
3. Select Start delay
The current value is shown on the left side of the display.