Installation & User Manual - Oncam C-12 Series
Oncam Global Group AG, 2020. All rights reserved.
5 Connecting to the Camera
Once you have discovered the IP Address of the camera, you will need to set the Primary
Administrator Username and Password before you can access the camera. This can be done
via the Camera Web Interface.
Connect to the camera on your network by entering the camera IP address (for example, into the address bar of a compatible web browser running on a PC on the
same network. Supported browsers with minimum versions are: Chrome 84, Firefox 79, Edge
84 or Safari 13.1.
The first response from the camera will be an authentication screen requesting the Primary
Administrator to set up a Username and Password. For enhanced security, default usernames
and passwords are not supported, users will be required to set a secure password, which will
need to meet the minimum requirement stated below. Please follow the steps below to set up
your login credentials.
Figure 2 Camera Web Interface, Set Password Username
Set an easily identifiable and memorable username for the Primary Administrator. The name
must be a between 4-12 characters in length. The username can consist of uppercase letters
(A-Z), lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9). Special characters are not supported.
Once created the username cannot be updated. Password
It is important to always set and use a secure password to access the camera, therefore the
camera enforces strong password criteria for all user accounts as specified below:
- Minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 32.
- The password requires at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lowercase letter (a-z), one
number (0-9) and one special character. The following special characters are supported
(~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;',.?/). Strength Indicator
For guidance, the strength of the password combination is displayed below the password. Use
the combination of upper and lower case alphabetic, numeric and special characters until the
password strength is strong enough. Confirm Password
Please retype your password to confirm it has been correctly entered, if the passwords do not
match a notification will appear.