Connection manual of XDesignerPlus external devices
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OMRON Industrial Automation
Cam Positioner Series
Support version OS
Over V4.0
XDesignerPlus Over
Thank you for using "Touch Operation Panel (M2I TOP) Series" "of M2I Co. head
office. Please read this manual, and be familiar with the ways and procedures of
connecting the "TOP-external devices".
1. System configuration
Page 2
Explains the necessary appliances, setting of each appliances, cables,
available systems to access.
Select the suitable system referring to this article.
2. Selecting TOP model and external devices
Page 3
Select a TOP model and external devices.
3. Example of system settings
Page 4
Explains an example of settings for communication interface between the
devices and the relevant external terminal.
Select an example according to the system you chose in “1. System
4. Details of communication settings
Page 5
Explains the way of setting TOP communication.
If external settings is changed, make sure to have the identical settings of
TOP with the external device referring to this chapter.
5. Cable table
Page 8
Explains cable specifications required for access.
Select proper cable specifications according to the system you chose in “1.
System configuration”.
6. Support address
Page 9
Check available addresses to communicate with external devices referring
to this chapter.