Handling in use
1. Be careful to the next matters for install.
(1) Install this instrument in the place where water does not hang.
(2) Install this instrument in a place without fear to produce bad influence by
atmospheric pressure, temperature, the humidity, ventilation, sunlight, dust, salt,
and the air that includes sulfur.
(3) Be careful to stable states such as a slant, vibration, a shock (including
transportation time).
(4) Do not install it in a safekeeping place of chemicals and the place where gas
is generated.
(5) B careful to frequency of a power supply and the voltage and consumption
(6) Connect a ground definitely.
2. Be careful to the next matters before use.
(1) Check contact situation of the switch, meters, and confirm that this
instrument operates precisely.
(2) Confirm that a ground is completely connected.
(3) Confirm that connection of all cords is correct.
(4) Because combination of instruments lets a correct diagnosis be wrong and
might cause danger, be careful.
3. Be careful to the next matters after use.
(1) Power it off after having corrected the operation switch in the state before
use by the determined procedure.
(2) Do not pull the cord itself to take off.
(3) Be careful to the next matters about a safekeeping place.
(4) Keep it in the place where water does not hang.
(5) Keep it in a place without fear to produce bad influence by atmospheric
pressure, temperature, the humidity, ventilation, sunlight, dust, salt and the air
that includes sulfa.
(6) Be careful to stable states such as a slant, vibration, a shock (including
transportation time).
(7) Do not keep it in a keeping place of chemicals and the place where gas is
(8) Arrange the cords, and please gather up accessories after having cleaned.
(9)For next use clean the instrument.
4. Perform appropriate indication without repairing this instrument
without permission when it broke down, and, as for the repair, leave
it to an expert.