4) Laser unit
The laser diodes for measurement (infrared, 780 nm) and the positioning (red,
650 nm) are installed in the laser unit. The left side is the laser for measurement.
The positioning laser can be turned off with the RL switch on the rear panel
when it is not needed.
The laser diodes have polarization,
and the direction is marked by the
white dot on the laser unit.
Turn the hybrid filter attached to the
lens to make the white dot show the
same direction as the white dot on the
laser unit.
Shut the shutter when the
measurement is over to not to
collect dust on the lens inside.
5) Arm stand
The arm stand holds the CMOS camera, the lens and the laser unit.
Adjust the working distance (WD), distance between the lens and the tissue
under study, according to the size of the tissue.
Spread the black sponge sheet under the animal to obtain clear blood flow
images when the tissue does not occupy the display. The black sheet does not
reflect the laser light, and the effect makes the blood flow images clear.
6) USB key
This key allows the blood flow imager software, LSI and LIA, to work.
Insert and pull out the USB key when the power of the computer-based image
processor is off.
White dot