Draws a freehand region.
ROI Clear
Clears ROIs at once
The tools can be set on both “ Real Image” display 8) and “ Blood Flow Image
“ display 9). The ROIs show the average blood flow values in it. The averaged
blood flow values are displayed in “Blood Flow Value “box 11),
“ Blood Flow Plot “ 12) and “ Blood Flow Histogram “ 13).
To draw ROIs, follow the next steps:
(1) Select the appropriate tool for drawing a rectangle, ellipse, user- specified
polygon shape, or free drawn shape. The selected tool is highlighted.
(2) Move a mouse cursor into Blood Flow Image or Real Image and click the left
button at the appropriate starting point of the analysis region.
(3) For rectangle and oval regions, while holding the left mouse button down,
drag the mouse cursor to the appropriate end point of the region and then
release it.
(4) For the polygon, click the left button once at the appropriate starting point
and move the cursor to a second point of the desired shape. Click the left button
and move the cursor in a similar way until the polygon is shaped. The cursor has
to be returned to the starting point location. Finish the polygon shape with a
double click the left button The end point and starting point of the polygon must
(5) For the free hand shape, click the left button of the mouse in Blood Flow
Image or Real Image and hold the button down while drawing the desired shape.
Finish the shape by moving the cursor at the starting point and releasing the left
(6) The Line Profile is displayed in the “ Blood Flow Histogram “ 13) when the
Line tool is selected. After selecting this tool, move the mouse cursor to a
starting point on Blood Flow Image or Real Image. Click and hold the left button
and drag a line across the image to the desired end point and release the button.
11) Blood Flow Value
The average blood flow values in ROI 1 and 2 are shown in the columns.
12) Blood Flow Plot
This is the graph of the time plot of the average blood flow in ROI 1 and 2.
The X-axis shows the measurement image number , and Y-axis shows average
blood flow in ROI1 and ROI2. The scales of the X and Y-axis can be set by
entering a new number with double-clicking on the minimum and maximum