![Octane Fitness PRO 310 Operation Manual Download Page 34](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/octane-fitness/pro-310/pro-310_operation-manual_723648034.webp)
liMiteD COMMeRCial WaRRantY
nOte: WaRRantY OutsiDe OF tHe uniteD states anD CanaDa MaY VaRY. tHe seRViCe seCtiOn OF
OuR WeBsite at
COntains aDDitiOnal COuntRY-sPeCiFiC WaRRantY
inFORMatiOn/liMitatiOns WHiCH MaY alteR OR aMenD tHe FOllOWinG liMiteD WaRRantY
PROVisiOns. Please Visit tHis WeBsite tO DeteRMine suCH WaRRantY PROVisiOns WitHin
YOuR COuntRY OF ResiDenCe iF YOu ResiDe in a COuntRY OtHeR tHan tHe uniteD states OR
By purchasing this Octane Fitness® Product, You accept all of these terms and conditions.
Warranty registration:
You must register your product with Octane Fitness, LLC (“We” or “Us”). You can register by
completing and returning to Octane Fitness the enclosed Warranty Registration Card or register via our web site at
What is covered:
The Octane Fitness PRO310 (product) is warranted to be free of all defects in material and
Who is covered:
The original owner of the product. The warranty is nontransferable.
How long the product is covered:
All parts are warranted for two (2) years from original date of purchase. Labor
is covered for one (1) year from original date of purchase.
DisClaiMeR OF WaRRanties: tHis WaRRantY is YOuR eXClusiVe ReMeDY. eXCePt as set
FORtH HeRein, We MaKe nO RePResentatiOns OR WaRRanties ReGaRDinG tHe PRODuCt
anD We eXCluDe anD DisClaiM, tO tHe eXtent PeRMitteD BY aPPliCaBle laW (inCluDinG
tHe MinnesOta uniFORM COMMeRCial CODe, tHe uniFORM COMMeRCial CODe OF tHe state
in WHiCH YOu ResiDe, tHe sale OF GOODs aCts as enaCteD anD/OR eFFeCtiVe WitHin anY
CanaDian PROVinCe OR teRRitORY, anD anY aMenDMents tO anY OF tHe FOReGOinG FROM tiMe
tO tiMe), anY anD all iMPlieD WaRRanties WitH ResPeCt tO tHe PRODuCt, inCluDinG, WitHOut
liMitatiOn, anY iMPlieD WaRRantY OF MeRCHantaBilitY, Fitness FOR a PaRtiCulaR PuRPOse,
satisFaCtORY QualitY anD/OR CORResPOnDenCe WitH DesCRiPtiOn.
eXCePtiOns / liMitatiOns: in no event shall We be liable to You or any third party for special, indirect,
incidental or consequential damages of any kind, whether based on contract, tort or any other legal
theory. if a court determines that You are entitled to monetary damages in lieu of the remedies provided
herein, Our entire liability shall be limited to the amount actually paid by You for the Product.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, the substantive law and the law of remedies of the State of Minnesota, United
States of America shall apply to this Warranty, without reference to its principles of conflicts of law.
PuRsuant tO
seCtiOn 6 OF tHe 1980 uniteD natiOns COnVentiOn On COntRaCts FOR tHe inteRnatiOnal sale
OF GOODs (“COnVentiOn”), tHe PaRties HeReBY eXPResslY aGRee tHat tHe COnVentiOn DOes
nOt aPPlY tO tHis aGReeMent OR tHe RelatiOnsHiP BetWeen tHe PaRties.
All disputes regarding
this Warranty and/or the Product shall be resolved in a state or federal court with competent jurisdiction located in
Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, United States of America. The English language version of this Warranty shall
at all times govern the relationship between the parties notwithstanding the fact that this Warranty may be translated
into a language other than English by any party.
This Warranty does not cover normal or remedial maintenance repairs or damages or defects caused or contributed
to by accident, improper use of the Product, any cause external to the Product or any occurrence beyond Our control.
Any Product misuse, abuse, placement in any application other than in home use or attempt to alter or repair the
Product other than by an authorized Octane Fitness® service provider shall void this Warranty. Any replacement
parts provided hereunder are warranted only for the remainder of the Warranty Period set forth above. This Warranty
is non-assignable and non-transferable to any third party and any such attempted assignment or transfer shall be null