Copyright 2010-2017 Obihai Technology, Inc.
<ScreenItem>, <span>
Background color or color pattern of the element. Examples:
"0xaaaaaa,0xdddddd,1", "white", "black,0xff0000,0"
The background color or color pattern to use when the item is highlighted.
If not specified, it is taken as the same as the bgcolor attribute.
<ScreenItem>, <span>
Background image to fill the bounding rectangle. The value can be the full
path of a locally stored picture, or a http/https URL. If this value is
specified, bgcolor and hlcolor are ignored.
Background image to fill the bounding rectangle when the <ScreenItem> is
highlighted. The value can be the full path of a locally stored picture, or a
http/https URL. If the value is not specified, the value of bgimg is used. If
either hlimg or bgimg is specified, hlcolor is ignored.
<span>, <text>
Foreground color to render the display text
<span>, <text>
The font to use to render the display text. The only allowed values are:
@gfont and @gfont-bold
<span>, <text>
The font size (in pixel height) to use, such as: 12, 14, 18
The value should evaluate to “0” or “1”, to determine if the text should
auto-wrap to the next line when running out of space on the current line.
<text>, <img>
The value should evaluate to “0” or “1”, to determine if the text should
auto-shrink to to fit on the current line. If the text does not fit and neither
wrap or resize is enabled, the text will be truncated
<text>, <img>
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the widget within the parent
rectangle. Valid values are: “left”, “right”, or “center”. Default is “left”
<text>, <img>
Specifies the vertical alignment of the widget within the parent rectangle.
Valid values a
re: “top”, “bottom”, or “center”. Default is “top”
Specifies the namespace to search for a dictionary entry for the given
The value should be either an internal picture file or an http/https URL of
an image file, such as$number
<span>, <text>, <img>
Value should be evaluated to a “0” to hide the element, or “1” to show the
elment on the screen
<time>, <date>
The specific format to present the value of the widget.
For <time>, the format string is made up of one or more of the following
(case-sensitive) codes:
H = hour shown in 24-hr format in 1 or 2 digits, such as 3 or 16
H2 = hour shown in 24-hr format in 2 digits, such as 03
h = hour shown in 12-hr format in 1 or 2 digits, such as 3 or 11
h2 = hour shown in 12-hr format in 2 digits, such as 03
m = minute shown in 1 or digits, such as 3 or 24
m2 = minute shown in 2 digits, such as 03
s = second shown in 1 or 2 digits, such as 5 or 33
s2 = second shown in 2 digits, such as 05
apm = show am or pm in lower case
APM = show AM or AM in upper case
Other characters, such as ‘:’ are treated as separator
Examples: "h2:m2:s2 apm","H:m2:s2"
For <date>, the fomat is made up of one or more of the following (case-
sensitive) codes:
w = Weekday in full, such as Tuesday
w3 = Weekday in 3 letters, such as Tue
m = Month in full, such as March
m3 = Month in 3 letter, such as Mar
mn = Month in number, such as 3
d = Day in number (1
y = Year in full number, such as 2015
y2 = Year in 2 digits, such as 15
Other characters such as ‘/’ are treated as separator