Copyright 2010-2017 Obihai Technology, Inc.
Press 0 to repeat the information.
Press # to enter another configuration
Note: After pressing 1 to record a new
prompt, the OBi says “Enter value followed by
the #
key”. At that point, you can press any
digit (0-9) to start recording, and then press #
to end recording.
Tips: Leave about 1s of gap at the end of
recording to avoid unintended truncation by
the OBi.
After a new prompt is recorded, Obi
immediately plays back the recorded audio,
and then presents the following options:
Press 1 to save (save the recorded prompt
permanently in long term memory)
Press 2 to re-enter (the last recorded prompt
is discarded)
Press 3 to review
Press # to cancel (the last recorded prompt is
Similarly for Options 1002
- 1010
With these options you can record up to 10 prompts that can be arranged in any combination and used as customized
AA prompts. Each prompt recording is limited to 60 seconds, where the prompt duration is rounded to the nearest
number of seconds. A total of 122 seconds is available to store all the recordings. The device will reboot automatically
when you hangup if any of the prompts have been modified and saved. Furthermore you can enter a text description
for each recorded prompt as a reminder of the contents of that prompt (under the Voice Services - Auto Attendant
configuration page).
Phone GUI
A limited amount of phone configuration can be done directly from the phone GUI. The most essential are the ones
pertaining to getting the phone connected the network, such as IP address settings or WiFi settings.
The Phone GUI allows the following parameters to be configured under the “Settings” option of the main menu:
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
DNS Server1
DNS Server2
DNS Query Order