Copyright 2010-2017 Obihai Technology, Inc.
Pressing the Transfer soft key starts off-hook dialing to collect the transfer target number from the user and
subsequently makes the call to the dialed number. As such the phone applies standard handling of all current calls per
Section 4.7 before starting dial tone and popping up a dialog box to let the user enter the transfer target number.
The OBi user can abort the call transfer operation any time before the call transfer completes, but not after. While
entering the target number, the transfer operation is aborted if the user dismisses the Dial Dialog before a complete
number is entered. On the other hand, as soon as a complete transfer target number is entered, the transfer operation
may not be aborted in the blind transfer case (i.e. the type started by user pressing the "Blind Transfer" soft key). In the
attended and semi-attended cases, the phone shows the Complete Call Transfer dialog along with the "Transfer Now"
soft key option as shown in the picture below.
The user may abort the pending transfer operation by dismissing this dialog (with the Home or Cancel Key). In that
case, the pending transfer operation is canceled, but the call to the transfer target continues, albeit reverted to a
regular outgoing call. The user must explicitly end the call to the transfer target if he does not wish to continue with it.
Ending the call to the transfer target at any time before call transfer completes on the other hand cancels the pending
call transfer. The original call with the transferee which may have been placed on hold automatically as a result of
starting a call transfer is not automatically resumed either when call transfer is canceled; the user must explicitly
resume the call to reconnect with the the transferee party. Note also that if the transfer operation eventually fails after
completion (from the OBi user's perspective), the original call with the transferee cannot be restored.
Transfer Signaling